
What a beautiful day it was on Saturday, Oct. 9th! The sun was shinning and the air was cool and crisp.....and green was being seen everywhere!

We had a great crew finishing up the back and two sides of the house on Saturday! A BIG thanks to our hard workers....Jon Plain, Craig Plain, Pete Williams, Bill Tuttle, Larry Butler, Mike Doty, Tom Greenwood, Kevin Johnson, and Carl Vaughn. We appreciate you so much!!!
At lunchtime, our crew was fed by Solid Rock Chapel in Sullivan! Yum! Pulled pork sandwiches and homemade pumpkin cookies! Thank you ladies for a great lunch!!
Then it was back to work getting the front of the house ready for siding-we have to order some to finish up. They wrapped the front with Tyvek and got the flashing done around the windows. Earlier in the week Teqfoam was sprayed around each window to insulate and protect it. This house will be air tight!!!
Since the back was finished, we started powerwashing all the dirt off of the siding!
We appreciate Todd Farden, of Parksite Distribution, for donating the flashing tape, and Brian Woods for the Teqfoam.
My next entry should be about the drywall! It has been delivered and placed in each room!!! Yahooooooo!