On Saturday, Nov. 6th our Team was busy! John Milligan, Josh Milligan, Rob Perkins, and Dave Schrock worked on the siding and soffit on the front of the house. It was a chilly morning, but the shining sun warmed us up!

Solid Rock Chapel in Sullivan have been wonderful to us! They just love to feed our hungry crews on Saturdays! We had yummy bar-b-ques and delicious homemade cookies from Goldie's Frontporch! Thank you for being a part of Team Bailey!!! Now that the house is enclosed and the heat is on, we were able to come in and eat and warm up a little!
After lunch, our team worked on the siding on the front of the garage and the soffit on the front porch! It looks awesome!

A big thanks to our workers, Solid Rock Chapel for delicious food, Wausau and Sims Lumber. We appreciate you all!!!